
Thursday, January 1, 2009

Chapter 4: Conflict in Multi-Ethnic Societies

Northern Ireland- CAUSES OF CONFLICT in Northern Ireland

Factors involved: Divided Loyalties, Unequal allocation of housing, Unequal employment opportunities, Lack of voting rights, Education system, Separate Residential areas
Identify: Divided Loyalties

  • The protestants regard themselves as british and want to remain part of UK(which is dominated by protestants)
  • They celebrate the battle of Boyne where the protestant King of England defeated the Catholic ex-king of England.
  • The Catholics want to remain part of the republic of Ireland
  • They remember the long struggle by the Irish against the British.
  • This meant that the two communities were proud of their own achievement and were not willing to compromise with the other party.
  • This brought about distrust and misunderstanding, leading to conflict.
Identify:Unequal allocation of housing

  • City councils providing houses to the people who consist largely of protestants.
  • Priority was given to Protestants in the provision of houses.
  • Example, in 1968, 71% of the local houses in Dungannon were given to Protestants although 53% of the people there were Catholics.
  • The Catholics were frustrated as they had to wait for a longer period of time to get their houses.
  • They thought that the government was biased and hated the government, leading to conflict.
Identify: Unequal Employment Opportunities

  • The catholics, although academically qualified, were not able to get a job as easily as the Protestants.
  • Example, There were relatively fewer catholics in the senior positions in public and private sectors.
  • Example, The number of civil servants was not proportionate to the numbers in the country.
  • Catholics felt that they were discriminated against.
  • This made them believe that the government was biased and only cared about the protestants.
  • Thus, they went against the government, leading to conflict.
Identify: Lack of voting rights

  • Each household was enitiled to 2 votes each whereas the companies were entitled to more votes depending on their size.
  • Since many big companies were owned by protestants they ended up having more votes than the Catholics.
  • Since 1969, everyone is entitled to one votes as long as he is a British citizen. Thus, lack of voting rights is no longer an issue.
  • Since more Protestants get to vote, the Catholics were worried that more Protestants would come to power.
  • The Caholics thought that the government was biased, leading to conflict.
Identify: Lack of Opportunities for Social Interaction

  • Protestant children attended government schools while Catholic children

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