
Sunday, December 14, 2008

Social Studies Reliability Skill (Third Skill)


Steps to take to answer the question:

Infer how the Source is Reliable (keep in mind the question asked)
Give evidence to prove that it is reliable
Provide a cross-reference source that supports what the given Source says
Infer why the source is unreliable
Give evidence from the source to show that the content is unreliable
Provide a cross-reference source that shows that the given source cannot be trusted
Make a judgement on whether you can believe the source based on the provenance. That is, evaluate the reliability by assessing the provenance


Source E is reliable as it shows that (explain Source E) ………………………. The evidence is “…………………..” Source __ supports Source E as is also shows that ……………………. The evidence is ……………..

Source E is not reliable because (explain Source E) …………………. The evidence is “………… ………” Source __ shows that Source E is not reliable because Source E shows that …………………… The evidence is “……………”

I believe that Source E is reliable because (use the information in the provenance to decide why the Source is reliable: Evaluate the provenance in relation to what has been said in the source) This is your personal opinion


I believe that Source E is not reliable because (use the information in the provenance to decide why the Source is not reliable: Evaluate the provenance in relation to what has been said in the source) This is your personal opinion

Sec 5NA: Last step: Give the purpose: WAOS


How to answer the question.
[These two sources are different. Which one is wrong]
[If unable to find a ‘wrong’ source, then state that the two sources are expressing different views or opinions]

Step 1: Give the content + Evidence of Source B (in relation
to the question)
Give the Content + Evidence of Source C (in relation
to the question)

Step 2: Proof which ONE is wrong
Give the CR source for Source B (to show if Source B
is reliable or not reliable)
Give the CR source for Source C (to show if Source C
is reliable or not reliable)

Step 3: Purpose of Source B (W_A_O_S)
Purpose of Source C (W_A_O_S)


In proving reliability with 2 sources, (similar to proving reliability with one source) What do you have to do?

Infer Source B + evidence
Infer Source C + evidence
Do CR for Source B to show whether source is more / less reliable
Do CR for Source C to show whether source is more / less reliable
State which Source is more reliable
Give purpose of Source B and Source C


Source B is about …………. (infer the source). The evidence is “…………”

Source C is about ………. (infer the source). The evidence is “…………”

(Use the provenance and the content to build up your argument on which is wrong)

Source B is less reliable / more reliable because…. . The evidence is “……”
Source __ shows that Source B is (less reliable / not reliable) as it states. The evidence is “……”.

Source C is less reliable / more reliable because….. The evidence is “……”
Source __ shows that Source C is (less reliable / not reliable) as it states. The evidence is “……”.

Therefore Source __ gives a less reliable view on the North Korean’s intention in the nuclear crisis.

Source _ is less reliable because ……….. while Source _ is more reliable because ………


The purpose of Source B is………
The purpose of Source C is ……….


  1. Thank You so much!!! This is very useful!^_^

  2. how many paragraph are there in reliability qns?

  3. how many paragraph are there in reliability qns?
