
Monday, December 15, 2008

Social Studies Notes Chapt 1 Sec 4 textbook

Social Studies Notes

Se 4 Textbook
Ch 1: Managing Peace and Security:
         Regional and International Conflicts


Made up of parts of: northern Africa, south-west Asia, south-east Europe

Largest population: Arabs
Smallest group: Turks, Kurds
Main Religion: Islam
Other Religions: Christianity, Judaism
Richest countries: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait  (oil reserves)
Gulf States: oil-producing countries around Persian Gulf
OPEC: aim : to stabilize oil prices
             How? Control amount of oil that its members can produce
Suez Canal: *strategic waterway that links Europe to Middle East and Asia
                     *important trade route for transporting goods and oil to other parts of the 

Historical Relationship between Iraq and Kuwait

Iraq and Kuwait: former British colonies
Kuwait independence?: 1961
Problem: Iraq claimed sovereignty over Kuwait and sent troops to claim Kuwait in 1961
1963: Kuwait paid large sums of money to Iraq yet Iraq used military power to threaten 
          Kuwait over border disputes
1980s: Iran-Iraq War: Kuwait provided Iraq with a loan
                                    Why? Due to national self-interest

Why Relationship Worsened?

1. Economic Problems in Iraq
   *Iraq inflicted massive losses after Iran-Iraq War.
   *post-war reconstruction required US$23 billion

2. Oil Production
    * oil prices dropped due to over-production
    *OPEC: set a quota
    *Kuwait and UAE (united Arab Emirates ignored quota and produced oil above given 
    *RESULT: a. Iraq list revenue
                      b. Iraq angered by Kuwait and UAE actions
3.  Dispute over Territory
    *Iraq and Kuwait inherited borders from Britain
      PROBLEM: borders not well-defined
     *Rumaila Oilfield: ISSUE: oil drilling (slant drilling)
     *Bubiyan and Warbah Islands: ISSUE: Iraq did not accept Kuwait’s ownership of 
                                                                    these 2 islands

Arab League: *to get Kuwait to produce oil according to OPEC quotas
                      *called for dialogue between Iraq and Kuwait to discuss outstanding 
                        territorial issues
                       RESULT:  mediation failed because Iraq and Kuwait could not agree on 
                                        territorial demands
                       OUTCOME:  2 August 1990: Iraq invaded Kuwait

Why Iraq invaded Kuwait?

1. Official Reason
    * to free Kuwait from its ruling power

2. Saddam Hussein Leadership
    *situation in Iraq shaky: a) Prices of basic necessities increased sharply
                                          b) strong Iraqi army could turn against Saddam Hussein

3. Misreading US position
    *Saddam thought that Americans were sympathetic to Iraq’s situation

Reaction to Invasion 

1. Fear of Iraqi dominance
    * with invasion of Kuwait, Iraq was closer to the Saudi Arabia border. Therefore it 
      would have access to cast amounts of oil
    RESULT: a) increasing tension and suspicion in the region
                    b)    creating problems for the world economy

2. Arab solution
    *Arab League condemned Iraqi action
    *League unable to effectively deal with the crisis

3. American Response
    *the American response came in response to Saudi request
    *Operation Desert Storm: a coalition: to defend Saudi Arabia and get Iraq out of 

4. International Response
    *US condemned Iraqi’s actions
    *UN Security Council demanded immediate Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait
    *Economic and Military sanctions were placed on Iraq

Was the use of force the only way to get Iraq out of Kuwait?

1. Iraq response to diplomatic attempts
    *Arab leaders called for resolution to conflict
    * Iraq agreed to withdraw from Kuwait but refused to allow ruling government back 
      into power
    *Saddam grew unhappy with Arab League’s vote to condemn his actions
    RESULT: a) Saddam annexed Kuwait
                     b) took Westerners in Kuwait as hostages
BUT: as the western coalition troops grew, Saddam was willing to discuss withdrawal 
         from Kuwait, but with conditions

    *Americans refused to accept these pre-conditions
    *UN gave Iraq deadline: 11 Jan 1991
    RESULT: all diplomatic attempts failed

2. Impact of Economic sanctions
    *Full impact could only be felt after a year or so
    *US felt this was too long to wait for a response from Iraq (to get out of Kuwait)
    *Furthermore the impact would be strong only if all UN members adhered to it
    RESULT:  UN Security Council voted that there was a need to use force on Iraq

3. Outbreak of War
    * Military operations known as Operation Desert Storm began after Iraq failed to keep 
      to the 15 January 1991 deadline
      Destruction in  Iraq? Air command and control capability, air force, communication
 *War officially ended when coalition forces regained Kuwait City, calling for a ceasefire.

What was the impact of the conflict?

1. Impact on Kuwait
 *More than a 1000 Kuwaitis dies and many others tortured
 *Iraqis occupied homes of Kuwaitis who were forced to flee from Kuwait
 *Iraqi soldiers looted homes, Museums, hospitals and shops
 RESULTt: Kuwait not only had to sacrifice its citizens, its economy was badly affected 
                   with 950 oil well damaged 

2. Impact on Iraq
  Destruction of Iraqi military capability
The coalition forces had destroyed almost one-third of the Iraqi war machine (prior to invasion, Iraq was one of the undisputed military powers in the Middle East)
Iraqi air force was unable to provide cover for its air troops against the coalition force’s state-of-the-art weapons.
RESULT: *coalition forces able to successfully carry out a sustained bombing campaign
                *Iraqi remaining troops suffered a loss of morale
                *Highway of Death: as many troops were killed in their fleeing vehicles during 
                  the allied bombing


Political instability in Iraq
*Rise of a group (Kurds) going against Saddam Hussein as they believed that Saddam’s
  power would have weakened and that the coalition forces would help them
*Kurds were brutally put down by the Iraqi military
RESULT: many Kurds were massacred
                 Almost 1 million Kurdish refugees fled Iraq
                 UN passed a resolution condemning  Iraqi’s handling of the Kurdish situation
                 Peacekeepers sent to northern Iraq to provide safe areas for the Kurds

Suffering of Iraqis
*The Operation Desert Storm  caused destruction of a large part of Iraqi infrastructure
*Daily activities were disrupted
*Diseases spread due to lack of electric supply and water contamination

3. Regional and International Impact
 Environmental Catastrophe
*Iraq dumped millions of barrels of oil into Persian Gulf, causing an environmental  
  catastrophe: threatened marine life, oil slick in Persian Gulf

Displacement of foreign workers
*Foreign workers fled Kuwait when war broke out
RESULT: sudden loss of income
                Great suffering for their families

Was the UN successful in maintaining international peace and stability?

UN able to gather ints resources to deter aggression
 Reasons: Support of 5 permanent members of the Security Council
                  US involvement was a crucial reason

UN was able to easily form a coalition force
Reason:  conflict affected the interests of the countries that helped UN

Gulf War was resolved in a relatively short period of time
Reason: Since the aggressor involved was known, a failure in diplomacy 
               paved the way for an attack

What is transnational terrorism?

Terrorism: a threat to all states and the people
                   Terrorists: can strike at anytime / anywhere

Transnational Terrorism:   *unlawful use of force
                                              *indiscriminate violence done by internationally-linked  
                                              *an act committed against people and properties in many 
                                               different parts of the world
                         OUTCOME: Collective action needed by nations in the world to work
                                              together to manage common enemy
IS terrorism a new phenomenon?

*In the past terrorist acts were:
a.  carried out by state agents or non-state organiseations
b. small-scale operations

What was the significance of the September 11 attacks?
*victims: international community and were indiscriminate targets
*well-trained and skilled terrorists able to coordinated simultaneous mass attacks
* its attacks can bring on psychological and emotional impact to the world: Eg: Sept 11, 
  2001 attack in US

What is Al-Qaeda?
*An organization
*members: a network of Arab volunteers
*practices: Global Terrorism
*Origins arise from Osama: was rejected by Saudis when he offered to liberate occupied 
  RESULT: Osama carried out anti-state activities
*Al-Qaeda wants to establish a global Islamic caliphate (Islamic form of government representing the political unity and leadership of the Muslim world.

Why is Al-Qaeda significant?
a. Al-Qaeda is the epitome of the new form of transnational terrorist organization.
b. Al-Qaeda has many groups associated with it.
c. It is a resilient organisation

Al-Qaeda’s Ideology:
It is rejected by Muslims and Islam as it is based on the misuse and misinterpretation of religious concepts.

What is the impact of terrorism?

1. Economic impact
* Sept 11 attack resulted in a loss of lives, property (amounting to US$40billion)
*airline industry was badly affected
Outcome: US government had to provide economic help to the airline industry

   *Tourism was badly affected: tourist arrivala fell by more than 50% immediately
*Government spending on security increased

2. Social  Impact
*creates suspicion and tension among the various ethnic and religious groups

Outcome: Community Engagement Programme: to ensure that Singaporeans are 
                 better equipped to maintain  social cohesion and harmony
                AIMS:  *bring together Singaporeans from different communities to 
                             strengthen inter-communal bonds
                            *to come up with response plans to help deal with potential 
                             communal tensions
3. Political  impact
*Government tightened security: border security
RESULT: slowed down immigration clearance
                 Often, measures and laws infringe  on individual freedon and personal 
Can transnational terrorism be managed?
   *It is a global threat that required a concerted global effort to manage

ASEAN’s efforts to manage terrorism
*ASEAN governments  counter global terrorism through joint police and intelligence 
*ASEAN pledged to enhance information and intelligence exchange on terrorists and 
  terrorist activities
*RESULT: Success in disrupting terrorist activities in member soil

International efforts to combat terrorism
*UN passed resolutions: an aim was to get all member countries to freeze the financial 
  assets pf terrorists and their supporters
*Counter-Terrorism Committee: **to monitor member countries adherence to resolutions 
                                                       as well as to strengthen the counter-terrorism 
                                                       capacity of UN member states
                                                    * * provide technical help to countries that require help 
                                                         in implementing the resolutions
Have the CTC measures been effective?
*more than 4000 terrorist suspects have been arrested

Why is it difficult to get rid of transnational terrorism?
*terrorists are able to evade  security restrictions imposed by  governments as well as 
  terrorists’ ability to continually recruit new operatives.
*terrorists able to  recruit and influence people to their cause 

Nurturing an environment that censures terrorism
*society must take a firm stand against the idea of terrorism

Countries have to work together at the regional and international level to contain the threat of transnational terrorism
All religions advocate peace and harmony. It is the terrorists who miuse and distort religious teachings to justify their acts of violence.

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